I understand the implications,

but are you worried about storing messages per se or rather fact that UPS would need to store anything?

Storing messages is required part in case of SimplePush deployment - all other networks can be approached as fire&forget.

While up to the point you start to use SImplePush you are free of managing custom storage and exposing your storage endpoint to the client, at that point you simply have to -> ouch, that hurts.


In case this does not get into UPS, I would suggest at least having interceptor on UPS side that would enable extension developers to plug such a storage (we are limited by a fact that Push Sender does not know an endpoint URL, actually it does not have any connection to Sender at all, so there are limited options to connect those two).

Or maybe he can even do that today with JAX-RS interceptors? :-)

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Lucas Holmquist <lholmqui@redhat.com> wrote:

On Oct 20, 2014, at 9:44 AM, Lukáš Fryč <lukas.fryc@gmail.com> wrote:

Clarification: this was meant as UnifiedPushClient extension, rather then SimplePush's one (bad wording)

i think i might still be a no,  because of storing messages

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Lucas Holmquist <lholmqui@redhat.com> wrote:
I vote no for this.

I think storing messages, for any period of time is bad.

I think SimplePush should stay “Simple” and we should follow the spec on this. 

On Oct 20, 2014, at 8:59 AM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm just worried about storing the message, for stuff like privacy, for instance. Let's make a really short TTL or better let's delete the mesage right after it has been retrieved.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Lukáš Fryč <lukas.fryc@gmail.com> wrote:
Awesome, great to hear that SimplePush will get a native support for a full message content.

As Erik said, in the meantime, we could unify this behavior.
I have created the associated issue: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGPUSH-1073

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Erik Jan de Wit <edewit@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Lukáš,

I like that idea, because in the end our goal is to unify. And I think that the simple push protocol will be changed in the future to allow for ‘normal’ message sending. So we could fallback afterwards.

Erik Jan

On 20 Oct,2014, at 13:58 , Lukáš Fryč <lukas.fryc@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey guys,

I'm working on a demo of UPS pushing to iOS, Android, Windows, as well as Firefox OS using our Cordova plugin.

But as you know, with FFOS it is not that simple - since SimplePush protocol allows to transfer just incremental versions, we are not able to deliver any interesting message.

UnifiedPush Server could be a correct place where we unify and shield our users from this limitation:

my idea is storing the message on UPS under the SimplePush endpoint URL. Once the message with version reaches the client, he would contact UPS to retrieve this message under a key ( pushEndpoint, version ).

The messages could have default built-in TTL to allow periodic cleanup.

What do you think?


~ Lukas
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