On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 3:06 PM, A577127 <antoine.matyja@worldline.com> wrote:

I have an AeroGear UnifiedPush Server running on Windows 7. I registered my
application and got the Application ID and Master secret. I added a variant
for my Android app.

Now I want to register the installation for my app on my device. I want to
do this without having to change my application, so instead of using
AeroGear SDK for Android, I want to register my app's token "manually" with
the REST API provided by AeroGear.

I read this tutorial (#Installation Registration) :

Since I can't use curl on windows, I'm using "Postman", a chrome plugin to
send custom HTTP requests. I had a few problems :

- The URL https://SERVER:PORT/context/rest/registry/device doesn't respond
to HTTPS. It does with HTTP. (same for all other rest urls)

- I "translated" the curl command to POST parameters, but when I send it I
get an authentication request, even though I already set the App ID and
master secret in the header, in "Authorization" (I searched a little about
it, the value is "AppID:MasterSecret" base64 encoded)

here, you need the variantID and the variantSecret (not the AppID:MasterSecret)


I tryed to use the username/password from my AG UnifiedPush server, it
didn't work, same for App ID/Master secret. After cancelling I get
"Unauthorized Request" of course.

Here's a screenshot of the HTTP POST request configuration :
And the form I get when I send it :

Thanks in advance,

View this message in context: http://aerogear-dev.1069024.n5.nabble.com/REST-Installation-Registration-Authentication-problem-tp7128.html
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Matthias Wessendorf

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