On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 5:36 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:
I am fine in keeping master up-to-date w/ the latest greatst of our Android/iOS.

But my question was really: Why are there two different 0.0.3 versions being released (our offical one on GH, and some four week old one on crodova.io (can we remove/update that piece)? 

ah! check:

it shows the recent version. yay!


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 5:20 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc@gmail.com> wrote:
In the same spirit, I think that the plugin version in our master should always be bumped in comparison to the current released version. Like we do in the other projects.
So, for now master should be 0.4-dev / or 0.4-snapshot, not sure what cordova supports. Because when we will merge PRs , can be confusing for the users.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 3:10 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:

a few days ago, the 0.0.3 version of our Cordova Push Plugin was released (see [1]).

Now, on our github 'releases' folder we see the release was made available on March 17th (as of now it says "4 days ago").


Looking at the Cordova Plugin Registry, I see it's there since four weeks:

That's incorrect, as we officially released it a few days ago (see [1]).

Also they are not exactly the same (in download size and content (just do a diff on the PushPlugin.m file).

Anyways, I am wondering if it is possible to update the version on the Cordova Registry, so that we:
a) ship the official release
b) have both downloads (GH and Cordova.io) being the same


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Matthias Wessendorf

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Matthias Wessendorf

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