On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 1:05 PM, Hylke Bons <hbons@redhat.com> wrote:
On 28/06/2013 11:58, Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
> This only applies to Apple APNs? I'd say if there isn't a technical
> reason why you'd want to this for the other networks we leave it out
> for those.
> In Google you would use different API keys - in SimplePush it could be
> a different cloud provider etc
> Not sure why this would be a problem

I'm just trying to figure out the reasons for it so we can present it in
the right way.

Still, we would you want to use different settings if the result,
getting a message to the client, is the same?

you lost me. Not sure what you are asking :)

Are you concerned about the "payload" (message) is represented differently ?

If one PushApp has several variants:
* HR-iOS-Tablet free
* HR-iOS-Tablet paid
* HR-iOS-Phone free
* HR-Android-Phone paid
* HR-Android-Watch free

Each has it's OWN cert/key. Still if you send out something like:

curl -u "{PushApplicationID}:{MasterSecret}"
   -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" 
   -X POST
   -d '{"key":"value", "alert":"HELLO!"}'


the message would be delivered to all clients - regardless of the underlying "PushNetwork"



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Matthias Wessendorf

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