You can also implement a PIpeHandler (like RestRunner) and supply your own save implementation.


You will set when you set up your pipe with the Configuration Object.

PipeManager.config("developers", RestfulPipeConfiguration.class)
           .pipeHandler(new MySpecifalHandler())
           .withUrl(new URL(""))

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Daniel Passos <> wrote:
Hi Autur,

For now, the only way to use HTTP put is saving[1] an object with id, because that is the common use for PUT, update a specific resource.

-- Passos

On Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 6:36 AM, Artur Dryomov <> wrote:

I need to perform a HTTP PUT request using the Hawkular API. Documentation and example. I. e. I need to send PUT request with some URL query. What is the best way to achieve that using AeroGear? Should I use HTTP client instead of AeroGear? I haven’t found any related APIs in the documentation.


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