On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Neumann, Mischa (init) <Mischa.Neumann@init.de> wrote:

we noticed some strange behavior when sending notifications to all variants of an app:
- we have 3 ios devices
- 7 android devices
- when sending a notification to all variants, 4 devices are notified

instead of 10 - that's wrong :)

Can you share the CURL for the rest call?

In the log, I see that sometimes FCM is hit - that means all devices are notified via one FCM topic - the logging says:
Loaded batch #1, containing 1 tokens

but, all devices, on that (global) topic, should get a message



This applies to the REST interface too.
When sending messages to only one variant, the number of recipients is correct for both the web and the rest interface.

It would be nice to get some hint what could be wrong...


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