+ 1

Personally, I like your implementation with the callbacks :) 

Regarding [1] I would prefer declaring and giving meaningful names in callback functions and then passing just the names, instead of passing anonymous functions. I think this way is more readable and makes JavaScript code cleaner.

[1]: https://github.com/edewit/aerogear-otp-cordova/blob/master/example/js/index.js#L40

On Mon, 2013-09-23 at 08:38 +0200, Erik Jan de Wit wrote:

One Time Password

I've checked in the cordova otp module it now supports Android and iOS, I've added a dependency on the barcode scanner plugin so that it is a complete package. There is one general generate method that will check if there is a secret stored if not it will fire up the barcode scanner to scan a secret and then store it. There are also separate methods that support these functions.

On the android side I use SharedPreferences and for iOS NSUserDefaults to store the secret. Currently the project is under my own name don't know how to move it.

As this is a security thing it would be great if others would take a look at because we want to be extra sure there is no obvious security hole in this.

Cheers, Erik Jan

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