On 28/01/2014 08:26, Corinne Krych wrote:

Actually if you setup the sass batch link[1], you run your environment and then you go to link[2] loclhost as it’s running on our instance, you will see i’ve tried it out for Pipes. In order to do it i needed to split the documentation for iOS/Android (I haven’t done completely JS part). with this exercice what i understand is:
1. the first view should contain code snippet with shows the unified aspect of client lib. those sippet are not complete code, it should be simplified.
2. this simplified view is not enough for a developer. Selecting his platform tab, he will be redirected to android for ex complete description on Pipes. Ideally this description is based on a cookbook exemple.
3. if the developer want to test it himself he’ll have the option to download the complete sample code (github link to cookbook repo) and just run it

So the explantion goes through 3 layers from 1)high level description (cross platform), 2) detailled explanation linked to a platform to 3) sample code implementation (obvious linked to a platform).

My question is How to make the transition from 1) to 2) ? See picture below


Alright, that makes sense.
I have some ideas about this. I'll update the mockups and send the to you.
