Hi !
I just wanted to share that interesting post from the Cordova dev list. It shows how to delegate XMLHttpRequest and image loading to a native implementation.

Would we provide any advantage by using our iOS http lib and android Pipes over plain XMLHttpRequest ? 

Also check the reply where another one have used the same approach to add certificate pinning , that could be an interesting source of inspiration since I know cert pinning is on the security roadmap [1]

[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGSEC-196

Envoyé de mon iPhone

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Expéditeur: Brien Colwell <brien@nextop.io>
Date: 17 février 2015 11:42:48 UTC+1
Destinataire: dev@cordova.apache.org
Objet: I replaced XMLHttpRequest and image loading with a plugin, and wrote up my experiences
Répondre à: dev@cordova.apache.org

Hi All,

I spent some time researching how much of the webview network stack I could replace with a Cordova plugin on Android. I wrote a post about it -


The take away is that a Cordova can fully replacing the default XHR and image loading in the webview for async=true, but it can't do async=false (but who uses that anyway :/). This is cool because plugins can experiment with new wire protocols to get data to the client.


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