Hi all ! 
I'm pleased to announce that the first version of the Aerogear Scaffold Plugin for forge is available ! 
It's still an alpha but thanks to the excellent work and help from Vineet we have a working plugin : 

- CRUD Scaffolding based on your entities.
- One-to-one , many-to-one relation supported. 
- AngularJS and bootstrap responsive based.
- Aerogear Pipe and Store used.

There is still a lot to do but you can already play with it, a quickstart is available here and you should be able to create your first Aerogear App in 5 minutes ;) https://gist.github.com/sebastienblanc/4961324

An example of a generated application can also be found here : https://github.com/sebastienblanc/scaffoldtester , please review the generated code (at least the JS and HTML) and report it to me and I will update the templates accordingly.

Next steps are : 
- Integrate Search feature (using the DataStore filter facilities)
- Integrate Aerogear Pagination (although generic pagination is present now)
- Integrate jQueryMobile (will probably be another plugin)

Enjoy ! 
