Hello AeroGear community,

as the AeroGear project lead, I am thrilled to announce that this year we do have two students working on the AeroGear UnifiedPush server, during the Google Summer of Code Projects.

Both students applied to the "Apache Kafka and Apache HBase" improvements project, and did deliver a great paper and detailed implementation plan.

Over the summer Dimitra and Polina will work with us, in the open, in the community on this project. 

The main access point for our community is listed here. Most of us do hang around on IRC, and of course, if there are questions, please send mails to our mailing list.


Dimitra, and Polina, I'd like to ask you to introduce yourself here on this mailing list (remember to subscribe for it), so that the larger AeroGear community gets to know you better!


Matthias Wessendorf

blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf