Below is the IRC transcript from the conversation Luke and I had. Anyone have any other opinions?
[09:28:37] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: need your opinion
[09:28:52] <+lholmquist>
kborchers: yes, i agree
[09:28:56] <+lholmquist>
oh wait
[09:28:59] <+kborchers>
[09:29:13] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: how much have you looked at / understand what is going on in AeroGear.ajax?
[09:29:29] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: the reason i ask is i am questioning its existence
[09:29:59] <+lholmquist>
kborchers: a bit, i would need to look at it to refresh my memory
jdoyle (~ joined the channel.
[09:30:41] <+lholmquist>
kborchers: which pieces are you thinking should go?
[09:30:47] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: i was thinking about it last night and now that i read through it, the more i look at it the more i find myself saying � "Doesn't jQuery already do that for us?"
[09:32:10] <+kborchers>
there are only 2 pieces i'm not sure about
[09:32:12] <+kborchers>
[09:32:25] <+kborchers>
the POST/PUT of JSON formatted data being stringified
[09:32:26] <+lholmquist>
there is the Auth stuff in there
[09:32:27] <+kborchers>
[09:32:42] <+kborchers>
the auth check to prevent unnecessary http requests
[09:32:52] <+kborchers>
#2 i know is not done by jQuery.ajax but
[09:33:13] <+lholmquist>
could that be done somewhere else then?
[09:33:18] <+kborchers>
i think that could be moved to auth, and auth refactored to decouple it from pipeline (which i want to do anyway)
[09:33:45] <+kborchers>
and i think the post put stuff could just happen in pipeline
[09:34:39] <+kborchers>
i think i'm going to play with this today and see if i can kill AeroGear.ajax
[09:34:41] <+lholmquist>
all the promise stuff is handled by jquery anyway isn't it
[09:35:18] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: yeah, except for rejecting it immediately based on auth on line 58 of aerogear.utilities.js
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[09:36:05] <+kborchers>
but like i said
[09:36:10] <+kborchers>
i think that can move into Auth
[09:36:19] <+kborchers>
i think this is doable
[09:36:47] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: any concerns that this may be a bad way to go right now?
[09:36:57] <+kborchers>
removing AeroGear.ajax i mean
[09:37:16] <+kborchers>
it should cut or file size a bit too :)
[09:37:20] <+kborchers>
[09:38:29] <+lholmquist>
kborchers: i don't think so, the majority of what it does is parse the returned data to a proper format it looks like
[09:39:30] <+kborchers>
which can be handled in the callbacks
[09:39:44] <+kborchers>
[09:39:58] <+lholmquist>
that is true, but is that an extra step for the dev?
[09:40:19] <+kborchers>
nope, because i have my own callback which runs first and then calls theirs :)
csadilek (csadilek@nat/redhat/x-mrudioyuhbqnjezq) joined the channel.
[09:41:12] <+kborchers>
[09:41:28] <+kborchers>
then i apply() their supplied callback
[09:41:34] <+qmx>
kborchers: you mean after the release right?
[09:41:39] <+kborchers>
qmx: oh yeah
[09:41:42] <+kborchers>
not for this one
[09:41:59] <+kborchers>
we've already tagged
[09:42:01] <+kborchers>
qmx: ^
[09:42:15] <+qmx>
kborchers: yeah, just remembered that
[09:42:19] qmx
[09:42:21] <+kborchers>
[09:42:26] <+lholmquist>
kborchers: i don't see where the data gets parsed here,
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[09:42:49] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: it doesn't because it happens in AeroGear.ajax right now � it would move in there though
[09:43:36] <+lholmquist>
kborchers: ah, thats what i was missing. Then wouldn't we have to repeat code for the other methods?
mbg (~marius@redhat/jboss/mbg) left IRC. (Quit: mbg)
[09:44:35] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: we could factor that out into its own utility instead of bundling it into the ajax one
[09:44:42] <+kborchers>
then it could be reused
[09:44:45] <+sblanc>
kborchers: lholmquist: If you write this all down in to a JIRA I will be happy to give a third opinion :)
[09:45:41] <+lholmquist>
kborchers: that could work, in fact, would probably be better
[09:46:01] <+kborchers>
sblanc: sure, i will create a jira. are you saying you have another opinion or you want some time to think on it to comment?
[09:46:26] <+sblanc>
kborchers: Want some time to think about it :)
[09:48:15] <+lholmquist>
kborchers: atm, the auth methods, login, enroll, don't do any data parsing since they don't go through Aerogear.ajax, should we add this new utility method to that once it's written?
[09:50:15] <+kborchers>
lholmquist: maybe � probably � not sure yet. :) i think the main reason i didn't use AeroGear.ajax was because it did an auth check and that wouldn't be good during auth :)