Hello iOS lovers,

2.4 release initially scheduled end of June which main goal was to clean up cookbook demos (removing 1.6.x branch) and add support for iOS7 for our Swift libs will be rescheduled for September. 

Moving the release in September will allow us to include Swift2 and iOS9 support, extending AeroGear libs platform support from iOS7 to iOS9. 

If you want to know more about what's included have a look to our JIRA [1]. To delve into Swift and iOS7 support, read my blog post[2] ;) 
To learn more about iOS9, stay tuned, I'll tell you more in following weeks...

[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGIOS/fixforversion/12326644
[2] http://corinnekrych.blogspot.fr/2015/04/how-well-does-swift-plays-on-ios7.html