Hi Evan,

it might be possible, there is some info attached to each Login event, e.g. the identity provider. I’ll look into that. But i’m not sure if we should display this information in the default dashboard, I think it’s use case-dependent: sometimes you are interested in the roles and sometimes almost all users have the same role anyway. Maybe we can add that information to the database but not display it by default, but add documentation for users who want to add it to Grafana themselves?


Am 23.01.2018 um 20:36 schrieb Evan Shortiss <eshortis@redhat.com>:

Looks neat. Would adding information related to roles/user type be useful, e.g "admin" vs standard "user" logins and activity levels per login type? Is it even possible?

On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 5:56 AM, Peter Braun <pbraun@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi everybody,

we’re currently discussing what the Grafana Dashboard for KeyCloak should look like and what kind of data is important to display. A crude mockup image is attached. The following metrics are candidates:

  • Currently Logged in Users: the number of active users over time. Unsure yet if we can track this reliably in KeyCloak.
    • Question/Problem: can KeyCloak reliably track this? We get the number of Logins and Logouts, but i’m not sure when exactly a logout is triggered. What if a user just logs in with KeyCloak, gets the token but never logs out? This is probably better suited to be tracked through SDK usage metrics.

  • Failed Login Attempts: useful for brute force detection. We have a counter for this and want to display it as a line graph over time as well as a bar chart for every month.

  • User by Identity Provider: The percentage of users by identity provider (Google, Facebook Github…). This information should be available in the KeyCloak Login events which are tracked.

  • Memory usage over time: A line chart showing the memory usage over a timespan (last day?). This data is already returned from the KeyCloak metrics endpoint.

I’d appreciate any suggestions and opinions on this!


<Bildschirmfoto 2018-01-23 um 11.32.17.png>

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