
answers inline,

On Nov 7, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Lukáš Fryč <lukas.fryc@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey guys,

the feature of UPS Console where you can generate push-config.json under the Example implementation is pretty cool:

  "pushServerURL": "http://localhost:8080/ag-push/",
  "android" : {
    "senderID": "234",
    "variantID": "a85cdfad-969c-4ab3-80bd-65a661bfd1a1",
    "variantSecret": "da2ffc3a-96bf-4ee1-81fe-92721569c407"
I would like to build on top of it.

Especially for demo purposes, it would be nice to generate multi-variant configs at once, such as bellow.

But the problem comes when you have more variants per one type, I have some ideas here:

a) generate multi-configs and include all variants with comments what config stands for what variant
b) generate multi-configs ONLY when there is at most one variant per type
c) use alternative approach and allow to generate push-config.json according to user-selected variants (selection such as in Send Push feature)

not sure but if the purpose of 'push-config.json’ is to be consumed by client-sdk, having approach (c) may be preferable in the sense grabbing the 'selected' config and include in my ioS/Android/etc project 



  "pushServerURL": "http://localhost:8080/ag-push/",
  "android" : {
    "senderID": "234",
    "variantID": "a85cdfad-969c-4ab3-80bd-65a661bfd1a1",
    "variantSecret": "da2ffc3a-96bf-4ee1-81fe-92721569c407"
  "ios" : {
  "windows" : {
  "firefoxos" : {
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