Link to VK OAuth -, you can change language in the lower right corner :)

2015-03-09 18:08 GMT+03:00 Summers Pittman <>:
On 03/09/2015 11:04 AM, Денис Карпенко wrote:
Actually, i'm more interesting in making programs from scratch, because it gives me more freedom of thought.
Yesterday, i was trying to add's Russian social network) in your OAuth2, and i can't understand some places of program. To be honest, your library seems quite complicated and documentation doesn't have examples about using it with providers except Google, Facebook and KeyCloak.
What are you missing?  OAuth IS complicated so any suggestions you can make for making things simpler will help.
Can you link me the English vk OAuth docs?  My google fu is returning Russian.

2015-03-09 11:43 GMT+03:00 Corinne Krych <>:
Hello Denis

Not yet a rock star prgrammer, you ring the right door then!
Tell us more about which subject you are interesting in, see the list [1] and i’ll find you some JIRA you can look at that relate to it.

> On 08 Mar 2015, at 17:05, Денис Карпенко <> wrote:
> Hello everyone !)
> It is my first open source project and I'd like to help you. I am not yet a rock star programmer but is there something I could do for the project ? Where i can find a small task to work on to smoothly join your project ?
> Denis Karpenko.
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Summers Pittman
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>>Java is my crack.