On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 8:15 PM, Douglas Campos <qmx@qmx.me> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 08:16:48PM +0300, Christos Vasilakis wrote:
> Hi,
> we are considering starting from the 1.1.0 release of the aerogear-ios
> library to drop support for iOS versions 4.x. The main reason for this
> is to take advantage of the many improvements of our underlying
> networking library that we use (which dropped support for iOS 4.x
> version from its 1.0 already). Since most of the users of the platform
> are currently in iOS >= 5 (and soon 7 ;)  we think that we can safely
> proceed to drop this version support.
I think this makes sense, maybe loosely aligning with iOS 7 release?

not sure on the iOS 7 release.

AGIOS 1.0.1 is out. So, IMO it would be nice if we "start" with iOS5+ from 1.1.0.
Sure we could do it a bit later (e.g. around 1.2.0 of AG-IOS), but not sure if that feels "consistent
(e.g. 1.1.0 -> iOS.4.3.x; 1.2.0 -> iOS.5.x+)

> What do you think?
> Thanks
> Christos

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Matthias Wessendorf

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