
especially for modules (like Push, Sync, OAuth2), were the same stuff is covered over the different platforms.


On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Bruno Oliveira <abstractj@redhat.com> wrote:

Good morning people.

Today while I was revisiting our documentation I was wondering if we
could follow the same approach from FH docs, which means switch between
snippets for iOS, Android, JS, Windows Phone[1].

It not necessarily need to be a pattern to every documentation on
AeroGear. But I would like to include at some guides, for example:

"How to make use of OAuth2 on AG".


[1] - http://docs.feedhenry.com/v3/api/app_api.html (Just scroll down to
the Example section)


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Matthias Wessendorf

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