On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 3:17 PM, Lukas Fryc <lfryc@redhat.com> wrote:Context: JMS queues that UPS use are deployed by the WAR deployment (ag-push.war).In order to optimize(*) how the messages are handled internally we planned to tweak various queue properties [1] (on the level of "address-settings", hornetq-configuration.xml).(*) if I say optimize, I mean it will work without this configuration, but it is not ideal for productionThe bad news is that address-settings can't be changed on the level of deployment (via #hornetq, or see Clebert's answer in [2]). We will have to configure it in standalone.xml.We've brainstormed with Sebi, seems there are two ways out (both should be implemented at some point IMO):1) jboss-cli script that will set up WF appropriately (similar as we do with datasource install [3])Odd, but... well :-) not the end of the day.2) WildFly Swarm seems to get a feature to bundle standalone.xml soon [4]For UPS 2.0, we anyways will be taking a closer look at WF Swarm, so happy to see an API for this backed into itI just wanted to share this and allow feedback and open the discussion for alternative ideas. I will proceed and offer (1) as of now.Cheers,~ Lukas[1] https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/13IsJWPSJNYXtst-UVxQYmzH36C_EXQMYYr_jcu7nFmE/edit?usp=sharing
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