On Monday, 16 January 2017, Ali Ok <aliok@redhat.com> wrote:
For example:
- adding automatic tests to pipelines using emulator etc.
- adding automatic app store distribution to Android and IOS 
- playing around with fastlane (for example making screenshots of the app during the build)
- building pipeline helpers in form of DSL language
- extending build pipelines by adding support for mobile plugins (more jenkins than digger jenkins, but we can still benefit from this one)
A student is expected to start working on May 30th and finish on August 29th. Some of these are probably will be done by the time we have a student to work on them since they're pretty connected and similar to what we have in JIRA.

Just my 2 cents.

yeah, it should be something RnD, not on our own (short term) agenda 

On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 3:29 PM, Anuj Garg <anujgargcse@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Matthias,

I was looking over this thread and saw very cool convo going and got tempted to jump in.

I liked idea for
> E.g. from your idea, trigger a build, and have the option to have the
extension download the APK (and launch to connected device/emulator).

Limitation is that eclipse che will be just on browser and we can not run shell command from browser.
So finally we will need an app on client system, to which android device is connected.

Here I came up with 2 ways to achieve this :
  1. if master or slave jenkin system have the connected android device then we can trigger to install app on those devices.
  2. we can make app/script for client to use in addition of using che from browser. When user click on link to deploy app,
    the script will receive intent and script will install app to android device with help of adb.

(However these 2 ways still expect that either ADB is previously installed on system on packaged in plugin)

At present I could come up with only limited possibilities. Working on to find what else can be done.


Anuj Garg

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