
As for API request limit, app could retrieve personal acess token (OAuth) from GitHub first, we do that in Do you have code somewhere handy for a PR? ;-)


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:32 PM, Sebastien Blanc <> wrote:
Hi All,
This is a bit off topic but , IMO, can be useful to the project.
I have been looking for a way to get all the Open Pull Requests that are open for the AeroGear org, since I could not really find the tool I was looking for I created one :)

It's a small app that will retrieve all the open PRs for an GH org or a GH user. Just type "aerogear" and hit search and all the open PRs will be retrieved.

For those interested, under the hood, it is a Vert.x App, using the Event Bus to stream the open PRs back to the Browser.

Have fun !


ps : no results returned ? Could be that the rate limit of the github API (5000 req/hour) has been reached, please wait a bit before retrying.