On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:
Howdy,I really like the work on AG Scaffolding!A few questions:1) Is this available on an 'official' page ?Not yet, I think we must find a place for it on aerogear.org, suggestions alre welcome !2) The generated JS controllers are Angular 'controllers' that use AeroGear for HTTP communication ?Amgular's controllers uses the Aerogear generated DataService JS file (which contains/defines the pipes/datastore)
3) The generated Java/REST Endpoints are vanilla JAX-RS endpoints, but the AG Controller (Routes) does the actualHTTP routing, not the JAX-RS impl. right ?Right, the "ag controller" scaffolding branch scaffolds a Controller Route and "by pass" the JAX-RS endpoints generated by the REST forge plugin.
So... if 3) the above is right....3a) is it basically a dispatch ?It's AG Controller magic, just drop the jar and defines a route, any matches will use the Route defined in the controller.
3b) what is the benefit of using the Controler/Routes in this example.* Show the basic use of the Controller / Promote our own stuff* IMO Controller has a fluent API which make it really a breeze to define REST endpoints,* When Security scaffold will be released (soon ! soon!) ,it will be easy to integrate into the Routes and again show the power of the controller.* In the future, show how we can easily connect to other services (Dan's Camel samples)
ThanksThanks for the feedback_______________________________________________--
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
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