
This is something we will need to integrate UPS with RHMAP. At the moment, when user updates the network details for android push, we don't get the updated data back from UPS, which means we can't update the the apps with the correct information. We can issue another GET request for it, but it is a PITA and ideally we would expect the PUT endpoint should return the full data rather than just a status code.


Wei Li

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:

currently when updating the network details, we do a PUT and srver returns 204 - not content, see:

I wonder if we should actually return the updated values as part of the the response  - this would mean we will be consistent to the endpoint to update the secret. There we do a PUT as well, but reasonably return the updated entity:

This means, it's also easier to actually integrate the entire REST APIs into other, larger systems.

Any thoughts?


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Wei Li
Red Hat email address: wei.li@redhat.com
Senior Software Engineer