
on our homepage ([1]) we have some handwritten docs that cover the roadmap for parts of our components. These roadmaps contain a duplication of content that is available in JIRA. Since this content is handwritten, it's often not as up-to-date as it should be. Here are a few examples:

* https://aerogear.org/docs/planning/roadmaps/AeroGeariOS/
* https://aerogear.org/docs/planning/roadmaps/AeroGearAndroid/
* https://aerogear.org/docs/planning/roadmaps/AeroGearCordova/

Basically the contain incorrect dates and duplicate the list of effected JIRAs. But I wonder why we even do have these handwritten docs?

JIRA itself has a roadmap overview, which looks nice and clean:


Since we track our issues, versions and releases in JIRA the above roadmaps comes for free. Now, when we change a release date in JIRA, using the above links as our roadmaps means we don't need to update the handwritten doc:-) 

Any thoughts?


[1] https://aerogear.org/docs/planning/

Matthias Wessendorf

blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf