Hello Michael,

Going through the link you sent me I saw  my comments from last July. Unfortunately, the resolution of this long known keychain issue hasn't progressed much. Besides with the limitation of closed source lib :( it is difficult to know the details of the issue. Even in the cookbook demo app I had to backup and use UntrustedMemoryOAuth2Session [1].

What I would recommend is going another route and implement you own secure OAuth2Session storage[2] using encryption lib [3]. The problem is that when you encrypt you need ti input a password which a usability trade-off to have tokens stored in a secure encrypted version. You could use TouchID [4] to make it easy.

[1] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-cookbook/blob/master/Shoot/Shoot/ViewController.swift#L164
[2] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-oauth2/blob/master/AeroGearOAuth2/OAuth2Session.swift
[3] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-crypto-ios
[4] http://corinnekrych.blogspot.fr/2014/09/authenticate-with-touchid.html

On 3 February 2016 at 20:44, Michael Doo <michael@410labs.com> wrote:
In the Aerogear iOS OAuth2 library, getting an error when app enters foreground after period of being in background. Specifically, in TrustedPersistantOAuth2Session.swift, KeyChainWrap.read() is (very) occasionally throwing errSecMissingEntitlement and then throwing the user over to Safari for authentication. This is a show stopper bug for our app. Some discussion of the topic and acknowledgement by Apple here: https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/9225#9225.

Michael Doo

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