
here is a different branch:

it allows only one CERT/PASS per variant. So for "Production" and for "Test" you basically create a separate variant.

Apple Requirements:
* iOS Distribution certificate (for your Apple developer ID/account)
* iOS Development certificate (for your Apple developer ID/account)

* Make sure both Dist/Dev SSL certs are enabled (on the actual APP ID). Download and export BOTH, similar to:

For each "profile" (DEV and DIST) you need a separate Provisioning file, to be downloaded from the Apple Provisioning Portal. Import them to Xcode and your iOS device.

I have update the "register iOS Variant" dec:

"Running the different profiles":

* update the iOS code to reflect the DEV variantID/secret, and run the device with the MATCHING signing identity("Development" for your app-id) => This registers your DEV token, for the app/device, with our UP server

*send a message. 
* stop the app

* Now, update the iOS code to reflect the DIST variantID/secret, and re-run the device with the MATCHING signing identity("Distribution" for your app-id) => This registers your DIST token, for the app/device, with our UP server (Note the token here is DIFFERENT)

*send a message. 

Here, we now have the test tokens in a separate variant, so only TEST tokens are send to the Apple Sandbox Server, and only DIST tokens are send to the Prod Server of Apple.

Before we were sending both token types (TEST and DIST) to the TEST or DIST server (based on the "staging" value in the payload. This does not work with APNs: No messages are delivered...

NExt: I am now working on a "filter" by variantID, so that (instead of broadcast) you can just send "test messages" to the test variant ( this "feature" was already discussed on a separate thread, for different reasons but comes handy here too)

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:24 PM, Yavuz Selim YILMAZ <yavuzsel@buffalo.edu> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm trying out the ProdCerts branch on aerogear-unified-push-server to enable AeroGear powered push notifications on my production iOS application.

When I am trying to add an iOS variant, I am getting:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect ().

The curl command I am using is here:

$curl -i -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: multipart/form-data" -F "developmentCertificate=@/Users/yavuz/Documents/Certificates.p12" -F "developmentPassphrase=pass" -X POST http://localhost:8080/ag-push/rest/applications/8055d0a9-ed30-463c-9ac3-baf8cee39ebc/iOS

As far as I could see, Bad Request is returned if developmentCertificate and/or developmentPassphrase is null (in my case, productionCertificate/Passphrase are already null). Therefore, in order to make sure my Certificates.p12 does not read null , I switched to master branch, and executed the following command successfully and add my variant:

$curl -i -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: multipart/form-data" -F "certificate=@/Users/yavuz/Documents/Certificates.p12" -F "passphrase=pass" -X POST http://localhost:8080/ag-push/rest/applications/688d0fe1-4cc2-4606-ab10-09660620b483/iOS

Any ideas why I might be getting this error, or any suggestions/directions are most appreciated.

Kind regards,

Yavuz Selim Yilmaz
SUNY at Buffalo
Computer Science and Engineering
PhD Candidate

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Matthias Wessendorf

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