On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 5:17 PM, Karel Piwko <kpiwko@redhat.com> wrote:

I went once again through
http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/aerogear-dev/2013-June/002901.html - which
says that Sender API should be fire&forget. It feels more like "maybe
fire"&forget, for instance it does not say that your credentials were wrong

the server returns 401 if credentials are wrong, so that piece does tell you what's going wrong :-)
- or
it says, you need parse logs to get that information.

If I think about Android, iOS, JS solutions to communicate with
UnifiedPush we provide - Pipes - they always provide a callback to be executed
on success/failure. Could we add callback to Sender API? Or should not Aerogear
rather have something like Pipes abstraction for Java developers instead of
pretty dumb Sender API?

we could add some sort of callback:
success --> 200
error 40x/500 status codes

@200: it does not mean too much, the actual processing starts AFTER the response returns; but it would be a good indicator: yes, I could at least submit the job to the UnifiedPush server. Currently, I agree, it's more like.... well did UPS receive my request > 




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Matthias Wessendorf

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