On 23 June 2016 at 18:37, Michael Doo <michael@410labs.com> wrote:

There are three pending pull requests on the iOS OAuth2 project. They are as follows:

#45 - Update to CocoaPods 1.0.1
This makes the update from CP 0.39.0 to CP 1.0.1. The main changes are in the project file as well as the Podfile.

#46 - Make the OAuth2Module webview public
In the project I'm working on, we're using different logic to detect a redirect to the OAuth2 callback URL. To integrate this into the Aerogear library, we override the OAuth2Module's webview. This PR simply makes that part of the code public.

Both merged!
Thanks for your contribution.
#49 - Update Travis CI to use latest CocoaPods
The Travis build is still breaking (an error regarding the Aerogear Http library). Nonetheless, if the project is going to use CP 1.0.1, Travis CI needs to switch over as well. Not sure what to do about the consistent CI failures though...

I'm looking into this one... Travis can be quite a mystery from time to time ;)

Please let me know if there are any questions/concerns regarding these PRs.

Some things on my to-do list that probably won't get done very soon, but likely in the next couple of months:

* Beginning the conversion to Swift 2.3. This release of Swift is a sort of bridge between 2.2 and 3.0. However, the challenge here is that if the OAuth2 library is built with 2.3, all it's dependencies must also be in 2.3. I will probably do this work on a branch until such time that the dependencies catch up.

+1 for a swift2.3 branch
For the dependencies, we have AeroGearHttp (I can help on that one) and OHHTTPStubs (for test pod only, this one already have a PR for swift2.3: https://github.com/AliSoftware/OHHTTPStubs/pull/184). I like the idea of having it compatible for both Swift 2.2/Xcode 7.3 and Swift 2.3/Xcode 8. 

* Making the library iOS 10.0 / Xcode 8 ready. iOS 10 will most likely be released this fall and the OAuth2 library should support it. As part of this, the library will also need some changes to support Xcode 8 (Xcode 7.x won't build for an iOS 10 target). Again, this will probably be done on a separate branch until the library's dependencies also support iOS 10.

+1 for a separate branch

Thanks for your contributions, I'm looking forward seeing the next ones ;) 

Michael Doo
410 Labs

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