On 20/03/2013, at 13:31, Kris Borchers <kris@redhat.com> wrote:
> So I am trying to come up with something dramatic to give a "pop" to the JS, iOS and Android pages for the new design. I threw together some custom logos and mocked up the JS page for review. Please provide feedback ASAP so I can get this task completed and move on.
> Custom logos - http://cl.ly/image/1j240G2A2D1l
> JS Page - http://cl.ly/image/0R1V2r31330N
I like the page, but really hate the logo - the main problem is that it doesn't really make sense for newcomers IMHO.
We already have too much drama ;)
> Another suggestion from qmx was to just pair the AG logo with the tech logo. I guess I would be ok with that but not as dramatic as I was going for.
Srsly, my main concern is how obvious would it be to a newcomer to figure out that black+yellow is JS and not something bee-related? We all know the JS logo, but is it really that obvious to everyone?
-- qmx
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