
On Friday, June 14, 2013, Sebastien Blanc wrote:
A quick update :

A first version of the backend application has been created and be found here https://github.com/sebastienblanc/aerogear-push-quickstart-backend/ 
You can create Leads, then query for Sale Agents and send them a push notification containing the lead information.

The readme contains all the intructions. We made some tests with Matzew yesterday and we were able to send notification from the backend app to an Android Device, using of course, the Push Server : this means we have the complete loop working , yeah ! 

I will now work on the API of the Prodoctor app that will be used by the Native Clients.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:
Repo suggestions:

  • aerogear-push-quickstart-android
  • aerogear-push-quickstart-backend
  • aerogear-push-quickstart-ios

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Summers Pittman <supittma@redhat.com> wrote:
On 06/12/2013 09:26 AM, Corinne Krych wrote:
I like summers idea of replacing the popup when app is open with leads list.
If you are in the leads list, the list could be updated but we still need some visual effect to say "new lead" maybe bold font with new icon.
In the Google Plus application the refresh button becomes highlighted if there is new data. (As a suggestion).

Or... confirm the "popup" and have the list refresh. A color (on the new lead) is fading out :)


Or we could add the entry and have a special style applied.

On 12 June 2013 15:20, Summers Pittman <supittma@redhat.com> wrote:
In Android land you wouldn't do a popup.  If the app is in the background you would put a notification in the drawer which the user may dismiss or interact with.

If you are in the application it would probably be better to update the leads data store and send an update event.  If the Leads are being browsed they can be updated.  If they aren't then a badge could appear on the leads action.

On 06/12/2013 04:52 AM, Sebastien Blanc wrote:
Ok, there seems to be some agreement on the idea, Nice ! 
Let's focus a bit on the Mobile App. As said before, it must stay really simple, so basically that's what the apps does : 

Matthias Wessendorf

blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf