Hi Paul,

lot's of content on the AeroGear website is out of date, due to lack of work in the past two years (see the planing page).

Note: the sync was a prototype, for real-time sync; based on different algorithms and papers in that area, but never went really anywere... 
I guess it's dead now.

Over the past two years we did work a bit on the AeroGear Push server, and their libraries (e.g. mobile client-side lib and server-side integrations for node/java).

Regarding Digger - it's a standalone project, under the aerogear realm - like push.  Both bits can be used completely independent. 

I think some content (e.g. sync) needs to be removed (while we can still keep the repos), but we should be perhaps focusing on AeroGear UPS and digger, for community offerings.

ag.org/push (like is)
ag.org/digger (with backgrounds motivations, Laura's videos etc)

Regarding feedhenry / mcp , just one comment: it does integrate w/ AG features, such as push or digger, and will IMO offer the integration parts (e.g. APBs etc)


On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 2:59 PM, Paul Wright <pwright@redhat.com> wrote:

Hi AeroGear, FeedHenry

As part of a review of Digger (Build Farm) docs,  I created a PR to attempt to improve user navigation of:


Feedback on that PR raised the question of general navigation of this web site:

* What should be in the Getting Started menu to help me get started with digger? (I think digger is more than a code snippet or library)

* If I'm interested in digger, should I expect any digger info under module or platform menu items?

* I sometimes navigate to a page, but can't remember how I navigated to it, then cannot find the info again.

These issues can be resolved, but will require a lot of effort, but another question is:

* Will it provide us a platform to build the community we want?

The web site looks great, and I learn a lot from browsing it (eg I didn't know about https://aerogear.org/sync/ until today), but I wonder if it is doing the job we want it to do? and how do we keep it up-to-date? (https://aerogear.org/docs/planning/)

Meanwhile over at:


Not much there at the moment, but it will be the location for mobile.next doc

* Do we want users switching from MCP doc on feedhenry.org over to digger doc on aerogear.org and back again for some fh.sync doc?

These are difficult and challenging questions, I don't expect them to be easy to resolve and I'm happy to agree with whatever the communities decide to do. All this mail hopes to do is to raise the question of

* How do we communicate the "mobile.next" (i.e. feedhenry mcp and aerogear digger) message as cleanly as possible?

(The real challenge occurs after that, convincing them to adopt mobile.next, but users will never adopt if they can't find answers  they hit the first stumbling block)



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