Hello summers!

nice write up - I also commented on the PR, but a bit inline :)

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Summers Pittman <supittma@redhat.com> wrote:
So I've gotten a draft of the Pipe document up.


Some things I would like to call out and discuss include

1 ) Pipe implementations should be thread safe.  Specifically calls to read, remove, and save should not change the internal state of a Pipe object.

+1 on that

2 ) Pipeline.get is not guaranteed to always return the same instance of a Pipe.
This is something that came up with Android.  Loaders are 1:1 on the Activity or Fragment which references the Loader.  Therefore if a Pipe is reused between multiple Activities each one is proxied  in a different Loader.

hrm, I am not sure


3 ) A Pipe may proxy or delegate to a handler and this handler can be exposed as a property.
This is an Androidism as well.  I think it can probably be dropped from the spec but I wanted to see what other people thought about it.

yeah, let's drop that

Some things which we may need to flesh out to make the spec more complete are

1 ) Authorization and Authentication.  This is probably another document

+1 on a specific doc for that 

2 ) A callback spec/definition.  I am not sure whether this is a separate document or not.  Either way it should be short and sweet.

I think this could be part of your Pipe Spec, it's really somewhat tied to it

3 ) Platform implementation docs.  A document with the code examples/comparisons and notes where they may diverge from each other.  For instance in Android Callback is passed instances of the resource a pipe represents, but in iOS and Javascript the callback is passed a map of values.  I didn't explicitly define this behavior in the spec.

A usage doc, like we (Sebi :-)) did for Paging would be good


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Matthias Wessendorf

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