On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Daniel Passos <daniel@passos.me> wrote:
Hi Sebi,

I not sure if we really need this,

having example code snippets in the UI is a nice add-on; especially since it is integrated in the Admin-UI. Pointing to website/doc/gist works too, but I feel that the closer the integration is, the better the usage. For iOS and Cordova the bits were completely working, with copy/paste. So it was very simple to get things going.

I think that's the main idea behind this


because we already have an example very close of it on ag.org, btw on Android snippet you are using MainActity, but your class is an Application and missed "Category" Gist fixed => https://gist.github.com/danielpassos/f7e6e4b723d71c4c56e9 

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 2:09 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc@gmail.com> wrote:

I've started to work on AGPUSH-550  where the idea is to generate Device Registration code Snippets that the user can copy/paste into his client application.

The flow is quite simple : he chooses a Variant, then click a link on the right that brings you to the Snippets page. 
Since  the console knows the type of the selected variant, the appropriate  snippet is generated ... Yes "generated" , that means it's not a static code snippet but it's actually filled with the needed info : UPS Server URL, Variant ID, Variant Secret, SenderId (for Android).

For each code snippet, there also the Cordova version for it. So, if you choose an Android variant for instance you will have : 

Inline image 1 

And as you can see,  there is also a link to cordova : 

Inline image 2

This is still work in progress, needs polishing etc ... But once we got this, it will be really easy for a new user to get started. All the variants type are covered : iOS, Android and SPS

Oh, want to test it live ? Give it a try here : https://newpush-sblanc.rhcloud.com/ (admin / 123)

I will probably PR that very soon, in the same time you can check this branch https://github.com/sebastienblanc/aerogear-unified-push-server-admin-ui/tree/AGPUSH-550 if you want to play with it locally.

See you ! 


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