Hi Yavuz,the "problem" is that the 'null' (for telephone on the first object) is, in Cocoa/ObjC mapped to NSNull. However, NSNull is, unfortunately, not a "valid" PList object/type.A work around, on your server, would be to do something like: "telephone" => "NULL", or simply exclude all keys where values are "NULL"... :-/There are ways how we could fix it on the library:* exclude every key, where value is NSNull (which makes the value 'nil' (not NSNull)* see if new 'store' could be written, that simply uses NSJSONSerialization, to store JSON on the "filesystem"I will create a JIRA ticket for this issue.Thanks for the feedback.-M_______________________________________________On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Yavuz Selim YILMAZ <yavuzsel@buffalo.edu> wrote:here is my response object from log:({id = 1;mail = "yavuzsel@buffalo.edu";name = "yavuz";telephone = "<null>";},{id = 2;mail = "yavuzsel@buffalo.edu";name = "yavuzsel";telephone = "001234";})thanks,
---Yavuz Selim YilmazSUNY at BuffaloComputer Science and EngineeringPhD CandidateOn Jun 12, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew@apache.org> wrote:_______________________________________________can u NSLog the 'responseObject'?
Is that a NSDictionary or NSArray?
On Wednesday, June 12, 2013, Yavuz Selim YILMAZ wrote:
Hi all,I am getting error while saving my response object to my store. Here are my codes:AGPipeline *pipeline = [AGPipeline pipelineWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"localhost"]];id<AGPipe> dataPipe = [pipeline pipe:^(id<AGPipeConfig> config) {[config setName:@"persons"];[config setEndpoint:@"get_persons.php"];}];AGDataManager *dm = [AGDataManager manager];id<AGStore> dataStore = [dm store:^(id<AGStoreConfig> config) {[config setName:@"persons"];[config setType:@"PLIST"];}];[dataPipe read:^(id responseObject) {NSError *error;if (![dataStore save:responseObject error:&error])NSLog(@"Save: An error occured during save! \n%@", error);} failure:^(NSError *error) {NSLog(@"An error has occured during read! \n%@", error);}];And I am getting this log output:Save: An error occured during save!Error Domain=org.aerogear.stores.save Code=0 "error on save" UserInfo=0x727a6e0 {NSLocalizedDescription=error on save}here is my "get_persons.php"<?php$result_array = array(array("id" => 1,"name" => "yavuz","mail" => "yavuzsel@buffalo.edu","telephone" => NULL),array("id" => 2,"name" => "yavuzsel","mail" => "yavuzsel@buffalo.edu","telephone" => "001234"));header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');header('content-type: application/json');echo json_encode($result_array);?>Any help or direction is appreciated.Cheers,
---Yavuz Selim YilmazSUNY at BuffaloComputer Science and EngineeringPhD Candidate
Matthias Wessendorf
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