Hi all,
in order to minimize the amount of email on what's new in our various platforms, we have decided to combine into one collective email (thanks to abstractj for the suggestion!).
So here is our first instalment with a hope it will become a useful tool to learn about our latest developments
(Since analytics also cover all our platforms, if you are interested in the topic, we suggest to visit our
our analytics mail thread to get a high level view of the architecture)
- Since we initiated work to support JUnit 4 in the official maven android-plugin and this work has been merged as part of the 4.2.1 release, we have started adding support in our android libraries too, with the first library to get love be the android-pipe. Work is under-way to support our other Android libraries too.
What's new in iOS
- As with Android, work to support analytics has been started in our push-sdk library as well as on the accompanied HelloWorld demo app. Although work was initiated first for our Swift variants (we love Swift!), this week we'll carry on our effort for an ObjC version of the same API.
- iOS 2.4 release is on its way! Main focus is to strengthen iOS7 support and Objc/Swift interoperability. Check out project's JIRA tracker for more details and help shape the release.
What's new in Apache Cordova
A new version of the Push Plugin 1.0.3 has been released. Details of the release can be found in the
official announcement.
What's new in JS
Nothing new to report with regards to our JS libs but it was sure a heavy week in the JS community with many core project having new releases: These caught our attention:
* Not really a new thing, but for those interested in using ES6 today you many find
this project interesting.
* For those interested in Angular, there is
a new tutorial on getting started with Angular 2.
We would love to get feedback and further testings from the community regarding our current on-going analytic work, so if you have some spare time that's a perfect time to jump-in and give us feedback.
That's all for now, see you all next week!
AeroGear team