On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Hylke Bons <hbons@redhat.com> wrote:
On 11/06/2013 19:23, Deepali Khushraj wrote:

Hylke: I didn't hear back to you on this, so asking again.

How would the user provide names for these mobile app variants using current designs? I don't see a field to capture this.  

Also I think a separate area maybe required to show the user API credentials (app keys/secrets etc.)-- required  to start using the PushEE REST API.

Sorry, I'm still updating the mockups with this. I'll respond with in more detail later.

I haven't seen anything about "user API credentials" in the spec. Can someone explain what this is?

needs to be added, to the spec. I know

it's basically VERY similar some username:password combi.

The app-key (or access-key) is the "username", and the "secret" is the password.

Should not be to hard to add these fields to the views of:
- Push Application
- Mobile Variant

I will post something, around that later, or are you "blocked" without more infos ?



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