Would you guys mind if I send a PR with current master commits for both jquery-idletimer and jquery-idleTimeout to lock versions down?

I believe that's another place where we should ensure builds are reproducible.



On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 11:23 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc@gmail.com> wrote:
I just made the test and it seems to do the trick , add this to admin-ui/bower.json , in dependencies : 

 "jquery-idletimer" :  "git@github.com:thorst/jquery-idletimer",
 "jquery-idleTimeout" : "git@github.com:JillElaine/jquery-idleTimeout"

Then bower install, you should see them in the folder app/bower_components now

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 11:11 PM, Bruno Oliveira <bruno@abstractj.org> wrote:
Good morning,

I would like to include 2 new dependencies to deal with session timeouts
at the admin-ui:

- jquery-idletimer: https://github.com/thorst/jquery-idletimer
- jquery-idleTimeout: https://github.com/JillElaine/jquery-idleTimeout

These dependencies are not available on Bower. Which way is the best to
include them as dependency?


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