On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:47 AM, lb44 <mohamed_el_amine.belmokhtar@univ-lr.fr> wrote:
I have found the origin of my problem.

Firstly, my application was including phonegap.js and cordova.js... it was a
bad idea.
Secondly, I think that when I create a projet in google console and activate
notifcation push. After I had sent a notification, google server registers
the hash of my application. Why I think that, it's cause of whenever I
change my source code, the application no longer receives notifications.
Whenever I have to create a new application in google console and create a
new application and a new variant in UPS.

Not sure I follow, you are all set now, or is there still an issue on your side?



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Matthias Wessendorf

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