Good morning my friends.

This week PicketBox and PicketLink got timed releases straight out the oven (, kudos to both teams, they are stepping up efforts to bringing security on AeroGear. If you're interested in how it works don't forget to visit this page

After these announcements, I couldn't resist to start to play with that and include it at our TODO app (thanks Pedro Igor for helping me with it). Is possible to see the results here under the tag -> 0.0.1.M6 <- (the latest stable commit).

This is a working progress following the API documentation ( Kris and Matthias have been exceptionally supportive in helping me with suggestions, bugs, features, full of JS and iOS love, thank you guys.

Have you found a bug?

abstract is a guy addicted to JIRAs, he just get happy when people leave a bug message to him. So don't forget to do it here:

"The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
Volenti Nihil Difficile