Congratulations for the criativity. A week-end much more chalanging and funny than going to the mall :-)
No dia 18 de Mai de 2014 22:47, "Sebastien Blanc" <> escreveu:
> Hi everyone ! 
> I just wanted to share the results of my (really) nerdy Sunday. I was able to send a Push Notification to my Lego EV3 Robot using the UnifiedPush Server. The robot throws a ball when it receives the notification :)
> The robot is under Linux and can run  the JVM. I've been using our Java SimplePush client ( hacked with  Matzew's  WebSocket Java Client (
> The UPS instance is from the OpenShift Cartridge and the Simple Push Server, is the vert.x version, also running on OpenShift.
> In this small video I show the Robot and my Android Device both receiving the notification :
> This is an interesting use of the SimplePush Protocol since every connected device/object is eligible for the UPS ;)
> Sebi
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