I already asked this question but didn't really get the answer, why can't we overload the read() method,  readWithFilter(ReadFilter filter, Callback)  ?
For the rest, +1 , nice comparison gist, make it a lot clearer.
cars.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<Car>() {
  void onSuccess(List<Car> data) {
    firstPage = data;

  void onError(Exception ex) {
    //handle error

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:00 PM, Summers Pittman <supittma@redhat.com> wrote:
On 01/15/2013 02:51 PM, Douglas Campos wrote:
As we wrap the day one of API design discussions, what about summarize the API proposals with usage?


1) usage example, covering some mentioned usecases like changing the paging "midflight" - something really straight to the point (no fluff, just stuff)
I forked Kris's gist and added android stuff using my proposal (sans blocking methods)

I went for pedantic in a couple of examples...

2) API definition

I think this will give the orthogonal view we need to come to a decision.

kris: What about you providing a snippet of the API you hate too? just for comparison sake :P

-- qmx
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