
Thanks for your help. I have subscribed to Aerogear Dev Mailing List. I will definitely go through the repo you shared and will develop my proposal with its help.

And by socialnetwork integration, I was talking about the description about this project presented here:
It is said that the app should be added with social network integration feature. I couldn't understand what exactly is required. Is it just that a user should be able to login with Facebook/Twitter account?

On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <> wrote:
Hi Bhargav

thanks for the interest in JBoss and AeroGear. I am part of the AeroGear team and replying on behalf of Jay Balunas

>I got a few questions.
>Could I get a link to existing app's repo so that I can get an idea about the level of implementation?

The AeroGear repo is here: - more information on :)

>Currently there are phonegap plugins for geolocation, camera and photo management and contacts handling. But I don't understand what you mean by Social Integration. Is it like
>logging into Facebook/Twitter to post into them? I think I would get a better idea about it if I get to look at existing app.

Not sure I fully understand that question. Can you point me to the specific section ?

>I would be very much obliged if I am provided with answers to these questions and whatever questions that may arise in future as they will help me in writing a good proposal and in turn get chosen to jBoss.

Thanks again for the interest!  Can I recommend to join our Open Source mailing list ?

We can (and should) discuss details there. Part of GSoC is not only to build things, it's also there to "learn" Open source, and interacting with OS communities.


Matthias Wessendorf

JBoss, by Red Hat