Hello Hylke,

We already discussed it in this thread [1], but I rather have the question in its own dedicated thread.

Atm, the mockup defines 3 pages/layers: HOME, GET IT, and EXMAPLE page. I think we’re missing a PLATFORM EXAMPLE page. This page wil explain in more details with the user prefered platform how to deal with AG Core Pipe etc… Idally this page will have a github cookbook repo assiciated to it. We have cookbook for the 3 plaforms: android, iOS, JS so far and we also have demo repo. A crossrefence table like this one [2] could also be useful.

An example page with high level concept and definition illustrated with code snippet is good. But not enough. Besides, atm we have an extensive documentation that goes in much more details and i really think we should keep this level of details.

My question is: How do me transition from EXAMPLE to PALTFORM EXAMPLE? Does it make sense to you? wdyt?

Last time I did a hackengarten on AeroGear, people told me: Woah, you’ve got such a great documentation, explaining step by step. And I told them wait until we’ve got our killer revamp ;)



[1] http://aerogear-dev.1069024.n5.nabble.com/aerogear-dev-Fwd-Website-restructure-td5837.html

[2] https://github.com/aerogear/aerogear-ios-cookbook/blob/master/README.md