Hi Summers,


That is a way to do paging which keeps Pipes immutable, uses readWithFilter, and doesn't impose any (for convenient definitions of any) bookkeeping on the developer.

from your Andorid gist:

A) Once the response has been received, the Pipe implementation will return a List of objects. If this List instance is passed to Pipe.getPageContext the appropriate PageContext will be returned

Note: There is no 'return' - the readWithFilter is void, instead a Callback is invoked (onSuccess(list)), see Pipe.java

B) The developer will receive from readWithFilter() a List of object. If she passes this list into Pipe.getPageContext(List result) she will receive the PageContext associated with this result.

Do you mean like:

myPipe.readWithFilter(filter, new Callback<List<Data>>() {
    public void onSuccess(List<Data> data) {

        // get the PageContext:
    PageContext ctx = myPipe.getPageContext(data);

    public void onFailure(Exception e) {

Not sure about that.....

But for iOS I am thinking about passing in the PageContext into the closure/block of the readWithFilter, like:

-(void) readWithFilter:(void (^)(id<AGFilterConfig> config)) config
               success:(void (^)(id listOfObjects, id pageContext))success
               failure:(void (^)(NSError *error))failure;

A usage would look like:

    [pipe readWithFilter:^(id<AGFilterConfig> config) {
        // set the filter args and override the given defaults
    } success:^(id listOfObjects, id pageContext) {
        // work with the listOfObjects reponse.
        // for paging/query info, access the given pagecontext,
        // of the CURRENT request
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        // handle errorz

Any thoughts ?

Not sure I like (or understand) the Pipe.getPageContext(List result) call. Current mindset is that thePageContext just (and only) belongs to the previous (executed) request... Not sure I want to support something like

// first call:
List<SomeType> first;
myPipe.readWithFilter(.....) // set first inside of callback
// second call:
List<SomeType> second;
myPipe.readWithFilter(.....) // set second inside of callback
// third call:
List<SomeType> third;
myPipe.readWithFilter(.....) // set third inside of callback

/// A BIT LATER ....:

I am not sure if that (myPipe.getPageContext(first);) is really desired (or would even easily work, as it would need to store the "metadata")..... 

Perhaps I am just wrong.

Matthias Wessendorf

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