there's a JIRA for creating a

low priority, and I'm not a fan tbh, since this kills SEO (duplicated content)

qmx (mobile)

On 11/10/2013, at 01:48, Erik Jan de Wit <> wrote:


When I was blogging for Errai we had a dedicated blog page, good thing about that is that it's very simple gathers all the blogs about Errai into a single place. Now we don't have that for AeroGear everybody uses there own personal blog. But wouldn't it be nice if we could somehow mesh those post all up ad put them on the site somehow? Something like a recent blog section. Only problem is how do we make something like that? We could use a feed aggregator to mesh all these feeds up into one and publish a feed about AeroGear, that would be a start. But how would we display the titles that are in this feed on the site. There are javascript feed parsers, but because of XSS restrictions this wouldn't help much or we could use jekll to download the feed as xml and then parse it in javascript, but is then the update cycle fast enough?

What do you guys thing about having a aggregated feed and or a recent blog section on the site?

Erik Jan
aerogear-dev mailing list