Hi everybody,we’re currently discussing what the Grafana Dashboard for KeyCloak should look like and what kind of data is important to display. A crude mockup image is attached. The following metrics are candidates:
- Currently Logged in Users: the number of active users over time. Unsure yet if we can track this reliably in KeyCloak.
- Question/Problem: can KeyCloak reliably track this? We get the number of Logins and Logouts, but i’m not sure when exactly a logout is triggered. What if a user just logs in with KeyCloak, gets the token but never logs out? This is probably better suited to be tracked through SDK usage metrics.
- Failed Login Attempts: useful for brute force detection. We have a counter for this and want to display it as a line graph over time as well as a bar chart for every month.
- User by Identity Provider: The percentage of users by identity provider (Google, Facebook Github…). This information should be available in the KeyCloak Login events which are tracked.
- Memory usage over time: A line chart showing the memory usage over a timespan (last day?). This data is already returned from the KeyCloak metrics endpoint.
I’d appreciate any suggestions and opinions on this!Thanks,Peter
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