Ah, we need to add these to the CorsConfigProducer in the demo and re-deploy to openshift.

Den 25 jan 2013 17.04, "Kris Borchers" <kris@redhat.com> skrev:

I have been writing integration tests for the new paging functionality in AeroGear.js. When testing with against https://corscontroller-aerogear.rhcloud.com/aerogear-controller-demo, I am unable to access the headers needed to do the paging.

Working with Dan, I had him add the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header to the OPTIONS response but this was not enough. I believe I also need Access-Control-Expose-Headers with the same list of headers as the -Allow-Headers header added to the OPTIONS response.

Header, header, header, header. OK, I think I said header enough times. ;)

Any help would be appreciated.

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