Hi All,

I've just finished reviewing the jira for AeroGear and specifically around M6 and the quickstarts/archetypes.  I've added some, removed some, and added comments for review for others. I've also added the component versioning that we discussed for these.

Please review them, and update/comment, resolve as needed.  The target release date for the "as-*" component is Sept 25th and I'd like to make sure we get through these updates.  The most important are the cordova quickstart moving to as-quickstart repo and getting the config, tutorial, and repo ready for it.

The search string is - https://issues.jboss.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%3D+AEROGEAR+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%221.0.0.M6%22+AND+resolution+%3D+Unresolved+AND+component+%3D+%22zz.as-*.1.0.0.M6%22+ORDER+BY+priority+DESC
