Context: JMS queues that UPS use are deployed by the WAR deployment (ag-push.war). 

In order to optimize(*) how the messages are handled internally we planned to tweak various queue properties [1] (on the level of "address-settings", hornetq-configuration.xml).

(*) if I say optimize, I mean it will work without this configuration, but it is not ideal for production

The bad news is that address-settings can't be changed on the level of deployment (via #hornetq, or see Clebert's answer in [2]). We will have to configure it in standalone.xml.

We've brainstormed with Sebi, seems there are two ways out (both should be implemented at some point IMO):

1) jboss-cli script that will set up WF appropriately (similar as we do with datasource install [3])

2) WildFly Swarm seems to get a feature to bundle standalone.xml soon [4]

I just wanted to share this and allow feedback and open the discussion for alternative ideas. I will proceed and offer (1) as of now.


~ Lukas
