
this summer we will have our 1.0.0, after that we might be looking at Geo location for Push. We discussed that at our Face2Face meeting a few weeks ago.
Thanks for the reminder that I should be filing some JIRAs for that subject :-) 


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Chau Thai <chau@bliphead.com> wrote:
Hello dear developers,

We would like to build a push service triggered by the location of
users. We have build a service with which users can save notes on a map.
To inform other users of the creation of the note, we want to send all
users in a given radius a push notification.
The relevance of his current location is very important to fullfil this
It would really help us if you could implement a feature to save the
current geo location of the user via the existing register method.

Thanks in advance

Chau Thai

BLIPhead GmbH
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Matthias Wessendorf

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